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Food Truck Fundraiser 

Thank you for your interest in our  Holiday Season Fundraiser!


Below you will find information on different SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES, as well as links to purchase single tickets.

Please read the options below  to see what interests you the most!


If you would like to use PayPal to submit your Sponsorship request, please click on the corresponding button below.


If you would like to pay via Credit Card or Check, please print out the flyer below by clicking on the flyer above filling out the appropriate form, and sending it to us via Email, Fax, or by Mail.


If you have any questions or would like additional information that may not be included on the flyer, please contact Marisa Wilberding:     -      (925) 776-4500     





PLATINUM SPONSOR     -     $1,500



               You/Your Company will receive FREE Admission (Up to 10 people)

               You/Your Company will receive FREE Drink Wristbands (Up to 10 people)

               You/Your Company will receive a Sponsorship Banner displayed at the event (Provide us with a Logo and any additional

               information you would like displayed, e.g. address, website, phone number, picture, etc.)

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo/Website will be included on the Sponsor page for

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo will be included in our Quarterly Newsletter

               You/Your Company may contribute a Raffle Prize and be recognized at the event



GOLD SPONSOR              -     $1,000



               You/Your Company will receive FREE Admission (Up to 6 people)

               You/Your Company will receive FREE Drink Wristbands (Up to 6 people)

               You/Your Company’s Name and Logo will appear on  banners at the event

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo/Website will be included on the Sponsor page for

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo will be included in our  Quarterly Newsletter

               You/Your Company may contribute a Raffle Prize and be recognized at the event



SILVER SPONSOR           -      $500



               You/Your Company will receive FREE Admission (Up to 3 people)

               You/Your Company will receive Free Drink Wristbands (Up to 3 people)

               You/Your Company’s Name will appear on  banners at the event

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo/Website will be included on the Sponsor page for



BRONZE SPONSOR         -      $250



               You/Your Company’s Name will appear on banners at the event

               You/Your Company’s Name/Logo/Website will be included on the Sponsor page for

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Sending Donation by Mail

 Please make all checks payable to the Pegnim & Ivancich Youth Foundation and mail the check to:


Ivancich, Martin, & Costis Youth Foundation

3440 Hillcrest Ave., Suite 175

Antioch, CA 94531

Purchase Tickets

Single Ticket Admission:


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